自然な形 artifacts natural form

 自然な形とは何か。自然の形との違い何か。「自然な」は「自然の」とは全く異なるものとして扱っている。「自然な」何かは人工物である。人の手によって形作られているものを指している。ただ,形を構成する素材の特性に素直になれば素直になるほど,そして,その形が受ける力に真っすぐに寄り添おうとするほど,その形は「自然な」ものとなる。その意味では,「自然の形」で言及した蜘蛛の巣の形を説明する中で定義された懸垂曲線を示すロープもしくは,これを基本的な造形原理とする弦および膜構造もおそらく「自然な形」と称していいだろうと考えている。What is the difference between shapes found in nature and natural forms? I treat "natural" as something quite different from "found in nature". Something "natural" is just an artifact. It refers to something that has been formed by human hands. But the more honest we are with the properties of the materials from which the form is made, and the more straightforward we are with the forces to which the form is subjected, the more 'natural' the form becomes. In this sense, I think that a rope showing the suspension curve defined in the description of the spider's web in the section on "shapes of nature", or a string and membrane structure using this as its basic forming principle, can probably be called a "natural form".



  When I saw the sculpture entitled "Deflection" by Shuichi Furugo installed in a corner of the park at the Ceramics Messe in the town of Mashiko in Tochigi Prefecture, where the Mashiko Ceramic Art Museum is located, I felt as if it spoke to me directly, as a person who has been happily but painfully searching and struggling in the exciting territory that lies between engineering and design and art.

  I apologize for the poor quality of this photo, but hope you will forgive me for leaving it as it is, promising to replace it at a later date.

1. 「たわみ」の工学的特徴 1. Engineering Features of "Deflection"


  The components of this three-dimensional configuration are five simple rectangular flat plates. They seem to be identical in length, width, and material except for their thickness. This set of five plates is subjected to two different and most basic boundary conditionings in basic Mechanical Engineering.
  In the first boundary condition, only the center of gravity of the rectangular plate set is supported (geometric boundary condition), while the other parts of the rectangular plate set are subjected only to vertical downward force/body force due to gravity (mechanical boundary condition).


The vertical axis passing through the support point at the center of gravity becomes the axis of symmetry of this sculpture, and the orientation of the cross-section of the flat plate at this support point can be imagined to be horizontal. This situation may seem strange if you are not familiar with it, but you can see that the right half and the left half of this three-dimensional composition of cantilevered plates with a high aspect ratio (i.e. the length to the width) are clamped back-to-back on the axis of symmetry in which the cross-section is neither moving nor rotating.

図1 5枚の鉄板による2種類の立体構成

図2 中心軸を左右対称の対称軸とする片持ち状態(手前)と両端単純支持状態(奥)

2. 「たわみ」の構造解析  Structural analysis of the deflection

2.1. 中央のみの柱で支えられた「たわみ」 "Deflection" supported by a central column only


In this shape, if the long axis of the central pillar is regarded as the symmetry axis, the shape is symmetrical, and the cross-section of the steel plate that intersects the axis rotates neither clockwise nor counterclockwise.


Therefore, only the right half of the model is considered here, and all the degrees of freedom of the central part are assumed to be constrained in space. All five cantilever beams are assumed to be under their own weight due to gravity (body force).

図3 中央のみに柱が設置された「たわみ」の応力分布とシミュレートされた変形(たわみ)Stress distribution and simulated deformations (deflections) for "deflection" supported with a column in the centre


There seems to be a similarity between the deformed shape (deflection) simulated in Fig. 3 and the shape of the sculpture. Rather, I would like to assert that the deflection of Furugo is a natural form from a mechanic’s point of view also.

図4 右半分のたわみの比較 Comparison of the deflections in the right half


The trend is even more pronounced when viewed from the side (Fig.4). This is a deflection curve that can be explained by elementary beam theory. The centre of the actual beams is at the left end of the diagram, and it is easy to see that the stresses are strongest around this area. Conversely, the right end of the beam, which hangs down a lot, is not stressed at all, although it is often misunderstood because of its large deformation.


Furthermore, the main feature to be noticed here is that the five overlapping boards are thicker at the top and thinner at the bottom. The beauty of the naturalness of the shape may be taken for granted, and it may be felt that 'the thinner the plate, the weaker it is, and the more likely it is to bend downwards, so that its deflection is a very natural formation', but in fact, the thicker it is, the greater the burden must be on the central part (left end). The thicker the plate, the more difficult it is to be bent, and on the other hand, the weight of the board, which is the cause of its bending, will also increase in a reciprocal manner.

There is a counterbalance between the fact that the thickness makes it more difficult to bend by a factor of three to the increment ratio to the original thickness, and the fact that the bending force on the center (actually the bending moment, which will also be addressed in a later chapter) increases by a multiple of the thickness.

After all, from the outside, it looks like 'the thinner it is, the weaker it is, and therefore the more likely it is to bend downwards, so it is a natural shape', but in reality it is much subtler.

2.2. 両端が支えられた「たわみ」 A 'deflection' supported at both ends


The other 'deflection' has stone pillars on both sides. On closer inspection, it can be seen that at their ends, the five steel plates of different thicknesses overlap as if closely attached to each other, resulting in a rather complicated force relationship, but here I have taken the model one step further in simplification and brought it to structural analysis.

図5 両端単純支持状態の右半分  The right half of a double-ended simple support


This result also follows the same trend as the previous 'deflection', but the geometrical boundary conditions between the two are quite different.

図6 両端単純支持右半分側面図 Side view of right half of double-ended simple support


The left-hand edge of this figure is the centre of the 'deflection' of the structure with supports at both ends. The cross-section of the plate is symmetrical both in shape and deflection with respect to this point, so that no rotation of the cross-section takes place at this central point. The difference from the other "deflection", which is supported only in the centre, is that the vertical movement of this point is not constrained.



3. 「たわみ」からたわみの式






4. 「たわみ」を計画する



 「たわみ」を計画する( M の定義)


  「たわみ」を計画する( σbの定義 )




アーチの形 The shape of an arch     @Engineering of shapes


Here I would like to focus on the forms of some constructions which are called arches in a general sense. In the case of bridge girders made of piled up stones, such as those which can be seen in the Bandai Bridge over the Shinano River in Niigata, these shapes, from a mechanical point of view, are arches, while the elegant shapes which can be seen in the Kintai Bridge over the Nishiki River in Iwakuni are also sometimes called arches, but, from a mechanical point of view, they are not necessarily the same. In any case, I have understood that a "natural form" is one whose overall structure, consisting of many components, is largely governed by the materials of the components that make up the form and the type of force (compression, tension, shear, or bending as a hybrid) that the components can take.

国指定重要文化財「萬代橋(ばんだいばし)」 Bandaibashi Bridge, a National Important Cultural Property

錦帯橋 Kintai Bridge over the Nishiki River in Iwakuni

1. アーチとは What is an arch?


 Among the arch structures we often hear about, we may include the appearance of a building with an attractive curved surface, like a seashell or eggshell. This understanding of the shape may not be wrong if we are speaking in broad terms, but I think that the name "arch" should be limited to a mechanically simplified arch element, made of a material, often stone, which seems to be able to take only compression, as is the case in some of the structures found in foreign churches and the like.


However, it may be asked what is wrong with an arch that is not an arch. Of course, there is no right or wrong in this, but the important point is that the structural elements that make up this kind of form can receive very different kinds of forces even though the overall appearance is similar to an arch.

To make hasty judgments on the basis of superficial similarities in appearance can lead, to put it bluntly, to disaster. Indeed, this may be an exaggeration, but when we start to think about the optimal arrangement of materials, smart structures, etc., this kind of subtlety becomes essential.


   An arch, in its basic form, must be designed so that its structural elements are subjected only to compressive stresses. It is easy to imagine that if any other stresses were to be applied, i.e. tensile or shear stresses, it would break down as fragilely as stone, brick or unreinforced concrete. The reason why a structure which consists mainly of stone must be arched when the arches connect the tops of two pillars that are distant from each other is that the structure may be fragile if it is not subjected purely to compression in all its parts.

図1 旧ロイヤルカナダ銀行(Crew Collective & Cafe in Montreal)の空間を支えるアーチ状の構造

2. アーチのレビュー review of arches


   There were many arches in the shapes that I have seen casually so far. As is the case with anything, when I compile the photos again as a teaching material, I am reminded of how careless and lax I have been in looking at them. So I thought that even an unfocused photograph at hand would be better than nothing, and I would like to review some arches I have seen so far, hoping that it will help me to convey what I want to explain to you about arches from a basic structural mechanics point of view.

図2 浅野川大橋,金沢市  Asano River Bridge, Kanazawa


This is an arch bridge over the Asano River in Kanazawa city. The bridge is characterized by a large arch shape connecting the girders, and at the same time, there is a general curved surface which can be seen in other countries as well. The curvatures of the bridge, however, seem to be a little peculiar in the part where the bridge rises from the girders and where it connects to the centre. I wonder if it might be an example of a retro touch. Or, perhaps, the unnaturalness of the brick panels, which are not functional structural elements but a "decoration" to make the bridge look like a real stone bridge, cannot be concealed. In particular, the curve of the girder on the left side of the bridge looks to me a little awkward or unnatural.

図2 名称未確認,長野県上田市 Name unconfirmed, Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture

 使われなくなった旧道にかかる小さな橋である。橋の下に廃線のレールのような跡が見えたが正しいことはわからない。ただの小川かもしれない。そこをまたぐアーチ橋である。アーチ状の開口部の縁を,台形状の断面をもつブロックがきちんと配列されている様子が確認できる。Here is a small bridge over a disused old road. Underneath the bridge I could see what looked like the rails of a disused railway, but I don't know for sure. It could be just a stream. It is an arch bridge spanning the channel. It is possible to see the trapezoidal cross-sectional blocks neatly arranged around the edge of the arched opening.

図3 名称未確認,京都  


Regarding the structure pictured here, I recall that these are the remains of a historic facility in Kyoto. The trapezoidal blocks that make up this arch shape are actually the most straightforward structural elements to undergo compression in a pure way. I should have photographed it from the front or taken a good picture of its three-dimensional shape, but this is a shape that is not just a ring of concentric circles or a radial slice of a baumkuchen. It is a catenary curve turned upside down.

図4 内房線トンネル,鋸南


This shape (Fig.2) is also attractive, but I can't simply describe it as an arch. The main reason for this is the directionality of the external force on this shape. In the simplest form of an arch, the external force applied to the shape is the weight of the elements that make up the arch due to gravity. In such an arch, the elements should be purely subjected to compression if it is in an ideal physical state. This tunnel has to withstand intense pressure from outside, not only vertically but also laterally, far beyond the influence of its own weight, so it’s difficult to say that it exhibits the shape of a genuine arch.

3. アーチの基本としての懸垂曲線 -圧縮応力のみを受ける形に向けて The suspension curve as the basis of an arch - towards a form subjected only to compressive stress

 『圧縮応力のみを受ける』と聞くと,おやっと思わないだろうか,前述の蜘蛛の巣の形では『引張応力のみを受ける形』と紹介した。引張と圧縮,それを受ける材料にとっては180°異なる力であるが,構造体の主軸つまりその形の特徴の基本となる方向に純粋な力の場が存在するという意味において,この「引張のみを受ける形」と「圧縮のみを受ける形」は等価ともいえる。このことは,蜘蛛の巣が,重力環境下において垂れ下がり,引張応力のみを受け止める中で形成される懸垂曲線,カテナリーカーブがいかなる状況においても維持されるとするとき,重力の方向を上下反転させた瞬間,その形の内部に分布する応力はすべからく圧縮に反転することはイメージしやすいかもしれない。聞いた話ではなるが,バルセロナのガウディによるサグラダ・ファミリア協会の棟の形をデザインする際も懸垂曲線を利用したとのことである。重力下において引張のみを受ける形は,そのまま上下反転させると,圧縮のみを受ける形となるわけである。そういわれると,アーチの形がそれらしく見えてくる。When you hear the words "subjected only to compressive stress", you may be a little bit confused because the aforementioned shape of the spider's web was referred to as a 'tensile only' shape. Although tensile and compressive forces are 180°apart in terms of the materials subjected to them, they are equivalent in the sense that there is a pure field of force in the main axis of the structure, i.e. in the direction that is fundamental to the character of the form. This means that, if the suspension curve, the catenary curve, which is formed by a spider's web hanging down under gravity and receiving only tensile stress, is maintained under all circumstances, it is easy to imagine that the moment the direction of gravity is reversed upwards or downwards, all the stresses distributed inside the form will be reversed to compression. I have heard that Gaudi used the suspension curve in designing the shape of the building of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. A shape that undergoes only tension under gravity becomes a shape that undergoes only compression when it is inverted.

図5 同じ長さのケーブルが示す多様な懸垂曲線(支点間のみを変えている)
          Various suspension curves shown with the same length of cable
 (only the fulcrum interval is changed)

4. 懸垂曲線からのアーチ作成とシミュレーション Creation of an arch from a suspension curve and the simulation

The suspension curve is inverted to obtain the basic shape of the arch, which is the red area in Fig.1, shown below. Theoretically, by dividing the arch into structural elements which are the trapezoidal elements along the curve, it is possible to reproduce a form that is predominantly subject to compressive stresses(Fig.7).

図6 上下反転した懸垂曲線に沿ったアーチ形状 An arch shape along a vertical inverted suspension curve

図7 モデル化されたアーチと積み重ねシミュレーション  The modelled arch and a stack simulation

The model shown in Fig. 7 was used to simulate stacking in a gravity environment. Theoretically, the shape should be stable by simply stacking the structural elements without joining them, since only compression is conveyed at all points in which the neighboring elements contact each other as long as the inverted suspension curve is followed. In order to verify this, a stacking simulation with the elements of the arch was carried out using WorkingModel2, a physical simulator.

 図中の赤矢印は要素間の接触力を示す。この状態での接触力はおおむねアーチの形の接線方向と一致しているので,このモデルの形の内部で圧縮応力が主に分布し重力とのバランスを取っていることが確認できる。The red arrows in Fig.7 indicate the contact forces between the trapezoidal elements. Since the contact forces in this state are roughly in the same direction as the tangential direction of the arch shape, it can be confirmed that the compressive stresses are mainly distributed inside the shape of the model and are balanced with the gravity of each element. The red arrows in Fig.1 indicate the contact forces between the trapezoidal elements. Since the contact forces in this state are roughly in the same direction as the tangential direction of the arch shape, it can be confirmed that the compressive stresses are mainly distributed inside the shape of the model and are balanced with the gravity of each element.

この接触力を圧縮応力として再表現したものが下図である。基本的には前述の引張応力を受ける懸垂曲線と同質な形であることが確認できる。青色の短い矢印群が圧縮応力を表している。These contact forces are re-expressed as compressive stress in Fig.8. It can be seen that the shape is the same as the upside-down shape of the tensile suspension curve described before. The short blue arrows represent the compressive stresses (Fig.8).

図8 アーチを構成する一要素に働く圧縮応力と自重のつり合い  The balance between the compressive stresses acting on the element of the arch and its own weight

最終的には,積み重ねに成功したものの,わずかなバランスの変化で,この形は崩れてしまうことを確認した。実際に存在するアーチが,長い時を経てもその形状を維持できることに驚きを感じるとともに,その繊細で力強い形を作り出した先人の技術と知恵と,そして素材と形と力との微妙なかかわりに対する直観力の凄さに,あらためて感動してしまう。In the end, although I succeeded in stacking the elements in the simulator, I found that the slightest change in balance would easily cause the shape to collapse. I am amazed that real arches can maintain their shapes after such a long time, and I am impressed again by the skill and wisdom of our ancestors in creating such delicate and powerful forms, and by their intuition about the delicate relationship between material, form and force.

図8 崩壊が進むアーチ





握りばさみの形:Shape of a traditional scissors The English version is under construction.

