自然の形 Shapes of nature


 It has been mentioned by many researchers and creators so far that shapes found in nature are undeniably universal. There is "a meaning" to each shape, and the "meaning" is often expressed in terms of rationality. No one can deny that even if a natural shape looks complicated at first glance and has a somewhat arbitrary form, there is an inevitability that the shape has. And it is not so wrong to say that its inevitability causes a human being who is a viewer of the form to be honestly impressed and feel there is something beautiful in it.

 If we look at those shapes from the viewpoint of structural mechanics, which is the study of deformation and the balance of forces, many shapes show many more "expected" meanings than we have anticipated. It can be understood that the "meaning" is the inevitability or rationality of being in a particular form and that natural forms in general show the function itself in a broad sense.



 In this chapter, we consider the “shapes” of petals and their “functions” as examples of “natural shapes”. Petals must be able to efficiently compose and maintain a flower that is the symbol of their life while resisting rain, wind and snowfall depending on the season, and temperature fluctuations at the change of seasons, for a limited period. Then, according to the laws of nature, it is necessary for them to develop their shape with a material arrangement that is not wasteful, maintain their shape, and enhance their visibility to insects by means of their shape and color.

 Here, I would like to pay attention to the way nature models shapes, which can be said to be universal in areas where artificial intelligence could not easily step in.

花びらの形 Shapes of petal


This is a petal that just happened to fall in front of me. It has a very strange shape. The composition of its curved surface can be said to be bold. When you touch it, you can see that it is composed of very soft and delicate materials.

 I think no one can help wondering why this form is fixed to the center of the flower by a single rounded point on the right side, while the rest of the flower floats in the air. It is very difficult to understand why it’s able to keep its shape with such a thin and organic structure.


1. 花びらの形 Shapes of petal


Let's start by looking at the grass and flowers underfoot. What kind of grasses and flowers did you see? Are the stems cylindrical or prickly? Are their leaves thin or thick? Are they long or broad? And are the leaves curved or flat? And the petals, which tend to be made of ephemerally soft material, are as diverse as the leaves, and each shape has its own meaning.


In the span of its life, it has to withstand gravity, wind and rain, and sometimes snowfall. It must not be easily broken by these disturbances in nature. It has to grow and carry out photosynthesis with its neighboring leaves, while it must also spread out and catch the eye of insects. In other words, the purpose of its shape formation should be to acquire sunlight efficiently and to improve its attractiveness to insects, while maintaining its structure.

2. 花びらの形 ー 曲面を利用した薄くて軟い素材によって構成された形状

2. Petal Shape - A shape composed of thin and soft materials with curved surfaces

 前述の視点で今一度,草花を見直してみよう 。下図は柴モクレンの花びらである。言うまでもないが非常に華奢で脆い。短い期間ではあるが,その美しい形状は間違いなく数日間は維持され,我々の目と気持ちを癒してくれる。散り始めた柴モクレンを拾い,静かに触ってみるとその柔らかさその脆さに愕然とするであろう。ここまで軟らかく張りのない素材が,どうしてこのような曲面を維持することができるのか,とても不思議な感じがする。

 Let us review the plants again from the viewpoint mentioned above. The petals of Magnolia grandiflora shown below, needless to say, are very slender and fragile. I think, however, we have no doubt that their beautiful shape can be maintained for a few days to soothe our eyes and our minds. If you pick up a magnolia blossom that has begun to fall apart and touch it gently, you will be amazed at how soft and fragile it is. It's highly mysterious how such a soft and limp material can maintain such a sophisticated curved surface.

 下の図は,実際の花びら(図1)と,それを3 D スキャン技術により三次元形状測定したものをベースにシェル化し,有限要素法を用いて構造解析をしたものである(図2)。カラーのグラデーションは,直感的に言えば,赤いほど強い力(応力)がかかり,青いほど力がかかっていない状況を示す。相対的に見なければわかりにくい面もあるが,この花びらの付け根付近の赤い部分から花先に向けて青白く分布した応力が,花弁の先まで伝達している様子がうかがえる。つまり,応力を比較的全体で受け止めようとする傾向にあることがわかる。

   The figure below (Fig. 2) shows the result of structurally analysing a model of an actual petal (Fig. 1), in which the petal has been transformed into a numerical shell-model based on 3D shape measurements by 3D scanning technology in order to implement structural analysis using the finite element method (Fig. 2). On an intuitive basis, the color gradation indicates that the force (stress) is stronger when it is red and less when it is blue. It is difficult to understand unless you look at it relatively, but we can see that the stress is distributed continuously from the red area near the base of the petal to the tip of the petal with the light-blue gradation. This indicates that the stress tends to distribute evenly across the whole petal, comparatively.


Now, let's try to make a pseudo-petal with copy paper.  I think that it is not so difficult to imagine that it would not be able to keep its resolute posture like the real petal if we tried to lift it up horizontally by pinching only the base of the petal, if we cut out the petal from the paper carelessly.


Perhaps, while trying to make a feeble piece of paper stand up on its own by trial and error, some of us might end up with a curious-looking curved surface. If the shape of the piece of paper were vaguely similar to the shape of the petal, then we could have a glimpse of how the shape had been formed. The cross-sectional distribution of this petal curve is shown in Fig. 3.


 In general, the shape of the petal is the same as that of a cantilevered beam. As in a cantilevered beam, one side of the petal is fixed and the other side is free, but obviously, the fixed side is subjected to a stronger force. In fact, it is more correct to think of it as a result of the moment of bending rather than a force, but it is correct to understand that, the stronger the force is applied to the root of the cantilever, the stronger the stress occurs inside the root


図1 柴モクレンの花びら

図2 花びらの応力解析(ミーゼス応力)

図3 花びらの断面分布(淡い青色は裏側,裏側の最初のラインが花の中心に固定されている

3. 花びらの形の意味を読むために必要な技術と知識


Skills and knowledge needed to read the meaning of petal shapes

 In this article, I'll focus on the petals of the Magnolia grandiflora. If it were a little earlier in the year , I could show you an actual analysis and thoughts on the shape of the petals of the Someiyoshino cherry tree that frolics around the campus. And, in another month or so, another kind petal of the magnolia tree, which is growing along the row of buildings in the Faculty of Engineering, will be a striking sight...

 The petals of the magnolia are composed of more complex surfaces than those of cherry blossoms. Each one is exactly like a shell, or, if you will, an eggshell. And it's like a very complicated shell at that. While it seems very strange that this soft and complicated shape would appear to be unable to maintain its cantilevered form under the force of gravity, due to its own weight, yet the internal force or stress distributed within the shape tends to be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the shape, and we find, in hard engineering terms, nothing less than an optimal shape for total stress design.

  1. 3Dスキャン 3D scanning of real things
     花びらに限らず,その形の成り立ちを読み解こうとするとき,実物に対する観察を超えるものはないのであるが,実物はその色,テクスチャ,質感などによって,その形は覆われているために,情報過多となり,なかなか素直に形そのものを見抜くことはできない。それ以上に,実物が持つ存在感の強さゆえか,観察者としての未熟さゆえか,実物と対峙するとき,その観察において必須の冷静さをどうしても欠いてしまう傾向にある。そこで,近年,その進化の速度を早めてきている物体の三次元形状を測定する3Dスキャンという技術に頼ることとなる。今となっては,スマホでも3D形状を取得できるのだが,この桜の花びらの3D形状測定には,骨董品と言われつつもレーザー光の反射を利用した高精度な三次元デジタイザ(KONICA MINOLTA 製VIVID910)を使用した。
     Although there is no better way to decipher the origin of a form than direct observation of the actual object, such as a petal, it is difficult to perceive the characteristics of the form itself because the actual object is rich in color, texture, etc. on its surface. In short, there is an overload of information.
     Furthermore, perhaps because of the strong presence of the real object, or perhaps because of my immaturity as an observer, I have a tendency to lack the calmness that is essential for observation when confronting a real object. For this reason, I've relied on the technology of 3D scanning to measure the 3D shape of objects, which has been evolving at an accelerated pace in recent years. I've used a high-precision 3D digitizer (KONICA MINOLTA VIVID910), which is said to be an antique by my students, to measure the 3D shape of petals, even though it is nowadays possible to obtain 3D shapes even with a smartphone.

  2. 図4 三次元デジタイザ(KONICA MINOLTA 製VIVID910)

  3. 3Dスキャンデータのシェル化
    3. Shelling of 3D scan data
     The 3D shape scanned by the measuring equipment is composed of a point cloud in which each point has a three-dimensional coordinate value. Depending on the application, we define a triangle at the top of three adjacent points in the point cloud, and then extend this triangle to the whole point cloud in succession to replace the whole petal with a mesh of small triangles. As a triangle is a kind of polygon, we call the mesh a polygon mesh (Fig. 5). Although it is difficult to express precisely, we may say that this polygon mesh lies somewhere between the real thing and a CAD model. To make possible some mathematical processing in a CAD model, it is necessary to replace the shape of the 3D model with a mathematical shape function such as an algebraic curve. As it is, the polygon mesh is just a net of triangles laid over the shape of the real object, so there seems to be no mathematical assurance of its shape and we cannot analyze the shape with the mathematical treatment that is possible in a CAD-system.
    図2,7,8 に示すような応力解析を可能にするには,実物を数理モデルとして再定義しなければならない。花びらのような薄物は,卵の殻や貝殻のような形状であり数理的な定義の上での形であるシェル要素で構成されたものとして再定義されなければならない。

  4.  図5および図6は,Autodesk社のFusion360によって表示されるポリゴンメッシュと,そのメッシュをFusion360上で,曲線や曲面を生成するためにコンピュータグラフィックスで一般的に採用される数学的モデルであるT-スプライン面で置き換えたCADモデルである。

    図5 Autodesk社のFusion360によって表示されるた柴モクレンのポリゴンメッシュ

    図6 Fusion360によってCADモデル化された柴モクレンの花びらシェル

  5. 自重を受ける片持ち状態の花びらの有限要素法による応力解析

    Stress Analysis of Cantilevered Petals under Own Weight by Finite Element Method


    The petal shell is redefined as a 3D CAD model (Fig. 6) according to the finite element method (decomposing the entirety of an arbitrary shape into elements that are simple, small shapes, such as tetrahedrons and hexahedrons, and mathematically defining the relationship between shapes and forces within the elements). In this method, the model is given specific material properties, and stress analysis is carried out under geometric and mechanical boundary conditions respectively for the way the petals are actually attached and the effects of gravity. The figure below shows a comparison of the stress results for a petal model (shell model) that reproduces the actual shape (Fig. 7) and a model that projects the model onto a plane (plate model) (Fig. 8). This comparison shows that the stress at the base of the cantilevered petal is diluted by the curvature of the real petal and is distributed evenly over the entire petal shape except at the root where a greater amount of material tends to be allocated than in other parts of the petal, while the stress tends to be concentrated on the narrower part of the petal in the plane.

     And more importantly, the distributed stresses are deployed in 3D space, and the fact that the stresses are deployed in this way means that at the same time the deformation on the petals is intricate in multiple directions, not just one. This seems to be equivalent to the fact that paper which is bent into a U-shape, woven and excessively wrinkled, can be lifted up while cantilevered although a flat piece of copy paper may hang down when lifted up.  Actually, the area around the root of the natural shape corresponding to the red area shown in Fig. 7 tends to be thicker than the other areas, which gives the petal a function that is stiff and strong. In other words, the curved surface and the material arrangement of the petal (i.e., the amount of material at each place in the petal) enable effective stress dispersion and prevent localized structural failure, resulting in an optimally designed structural form.
  6. 図7 実際の形を再現した花びらモデルに対する応力結果

  7.   図8 花びらモデルを平面に投影したプレート状モデルに対する応力結果

  8. 応力とは
     図7,図8の凡例横に示されているVon Mises(フォンミーゼス)はミーゼス応力とか等価応力とが呼ばれる応力の定義の一つであり,引張,圧縮,せん断のすべての変形による応力を,その応力の正負ではなく総合的な大きさがその構造への影響の度合いをシンプルに示すとする考え方の下で,算出されている。つまり,引張にしても圧縮にしてもねじれにしても,特定に部位に生じる応力の強さを明解に示す指標であり,多くのCAE(Computer Aided Engineering)のパッケージおいてデフォルトの応力表示となっている。

蜘蛛の巣の形 The shape of a spider's web


 There seems to be a small difference in the shape of a spider's web after rain to the normal shape that is optimized for capturing insects. Perhaps the spider's thread is under so much tension when compared to the weight of its spider that humans can't hope to imitate it. The tension on the cobweb tends to form a tense plane if there is no wind on a sunny day. However, when countless numbers of raindrops hang down from the thread in good order, the web shows us an organic and natural curved surface.

 It's a wonderful shape. It's a real, living web structure. A spider is in the centre and we can feel a firm tension no matter what part we look at. The intersection of radials and spirals embodies the geometrical and organic form of the overall structure. The tension is applied to all parts of the web, and it suggests that the tensile stresses are distributed in the cross-sections of all spider threads.

1. 典型的な蜘蛛の巣の形 Typical spider's web shape


The shape is magnificent. It is a living net structure with a spider in the center. Every part of the structure is taut and secure. The overall structure embodies a geometric and organic form, due to the intersection of short lines and short lines . All parts of the web are under tension, which means that tensile stresses are distributed across the cross-sections of all the spider threads.

図1 蜘蛛の巣を構成する同心円状の周方向の糸と放射状の径方向の糸


If the spider were able to successfully create his work area with equal tension in all parts, this net would be flatter, much like the Asian product known as a dreamcatcher. However, it is composed of a gently curved surface while maintaining overall tension. In particular, raindrops are arranged regularly along the threads, and the natural surface seems to appear to be more distinguished by the rain in daylight.

図2 雨粒が分布するたわむ蜘蛛の巣


What is the nature of this surface? Since the spider's web consists of a 3-dimensional surface, it is not so easy to analyze it. When we are confronted with such a difficult shape, often a good way of analyzing it – perhaps surprisingly – is to simplify it to two dimensions.

2. 蜘蛛の巣の形の単純化 Simplifying the shape of a spider's web


It has become possible nowadays to analyze the structural characteristics of a spider's web as it is in its realistic form. However, as with a calculator, if we use a tool that produces immediate results without understanding its principles, we will not be able to understand the calculation itself. In order to know clearly what is happening and what are the essential elements of the formation of the form, "good" simplification is essential.

In this topic, we focus on a particular thread (yellow line in Fig. 1) that develops radially from the center to the periphery, and try to reproduce the external conditions or the boundary conditions to which this thread is subjected as well as the thread’s model.

図1 モデル化される径方向の糸


If we consider the yellow thread in Figure 1 as the main thread, certain circumferential threads (red lines) which intersect the yellow thread can be represented as a concentrated load at the intersection.


The idea is not to treat the circumferential thread directly, but to replace the effect of intersecting the circumferential threads and the yellow line to its structural dynamic value with an equivalent concentrated load (the mass periodically arranged through the spring along the yellow line in Figures 1 and 2). In addition, since the rows of shining raindrops in Figure 1 are densely scattered along the thread (which can be regarded as having little mass), the short yellow columns representing the thread in Figure 2 are also given a moderate mass in order to include this effect. Figure 2 shows how the seven short pillars, initially placed horizontally and loaded with discrete concentrated masses under exactly the same conditions, converged to a certain state of balance while oscillating in a physical simulation that takes into account the effect of gravity. The upper waveform in Fig. 2 is the result of physical simulation from the time when the effect of gravity starts to be applied until the curve naturally stabilizes. It can be understood as a model of the shape of a spider's web when it is subjected to some kind of force, vibrates, and then settles down.

図2 2Dにモデル化された径方向に糸


 From the results of the simulation, it is visualized that there is a set of FTs of the same size but with different orientations (180) at the central and peripheral ends of the radial thread (Fig.2). It is suggested that these radial threads are in a gravitational environment and are in balance, with no horizontal external forces.

図3 短柱ごとの力関係


 Furthermore, if a dynamic force relationship were estimated for each short column (yellow rod), the internal force at both ends of the column should be the FT, which is always of the same magnitude and in a different direction by 180toach other in order to establish the horizontal internal force balance for each short column. It also suggests that the formation of the curves observed in Figs. 1 and 2 is governed by the balance of forces between gravity and the tension in the thread direction which matches the direction of the short column locally. As gravity does not have a horizontal force component, the horizontal force FT at each short column must be present in a set with two FTs of the same magnitude and inverse direction in order for this left-right balance to be established. 



If the influence of the intermittent force which the radial thread is subjected to at the point of intersection with the circumferential thread is negligible, due to the influence of the load imposed by the raindrops uniformly distributed in the radial direction, then a uniform gravitational force (object force) will be applied to the whole thread, and the curve will finally approach the famous curve characteristic of tension structures. This famous curve is called a suspension curve (or catenary curve), and it is an important curve shape as it easily realizes a real and sophisticated relationship between force and form.


It is very easy to experience a suspension curve. The material composing the curve does not matter. It is only necessary that the material should not resist being bent if it is crumpled, and it is not at all interested in anything other than being subjected to a tensile force. If the material resists being bent in any way, the delicate shape of the curve and the balance of forces will be disturbed.

図4 引張力と重力との釣り合いの形,懸垂曲線


The simplification of the spider's web confirms the existence of a suspension curve, which is also found in large buildings made of membranes suspended from cables. Both the suspension curve and the spider's web have a wonderfully taut form, with tension and tensile stress distributed throughout. And this form can be seen in many places around us.

図5 電線も懸垂曲線

3. もう一つの蜘蛛の巣の形 Another form of spider's web


 As mentioned above, the element that makes up a spider's web is thread, and since thread is a material that can only take tensile stress, the beautiful shape of a spider's web can only be achieved in a structure where tension is applied continuously to all the parts that are composed of the thread. And because of this structural characteristic, it has been understood that a suspension curve, which is a very natural shape, appears in the structure that mainly receives tension by being loaded with raindrops continuously distributed on the threads.


However, I have met a web that did not conform to the stereotypical image of a spider’s web with concentric circles and radial threads.

図6 箱状の蜘蛛の巣


There are no concentric circles or radial shapes in this shape. The owner of the nest (glowing orange) was not in the centre of the nest, but was waiting for something in a very free position.


 Although the presence of threads randomly stretched through the box-like web can be confirmed by the reflection of the morning sun, no regularity can be found there. The only thing that can be said is that the threads seem to be arranged in various directions with relatively the same density in all areas, except for the curved surface at the bottom of the box. In spite of the random arrangement, there is an evenness to the whole structure, and one can even feel the lightness of the structure. What is surprising is that this spider's web is not loose or sagging in any part, but remains rhythmically taut. In other words, in every part of the web, the threads are subjected to appropriate tensile stresses and are well balanced with external forces such as gravity, wind, and vibrations transmitted from branches through leaves. The tension of the curved surface at the bottom is so especially impressive that I would envy this spider's talent if I were an architect.

図7 底部の形状


 Closer inspection reveals a finer substructure at the bottom, a continuous structure that cannot be seen on any other side or interior of this box web. Furthermore, the bottom of the web is pulled down by tension provided by several threads extending upward from the branches below, forming a graceful three-dimensional curved surface.

 Again, for the sake of clarity, I will simplify this form.

4. 箱状蜘蛛の巣底部の形の単純化


 If you look closely at the bottom part of this structure, a familiar curve should be apparent to you. It looks like an upside-down version of a suspension curve. So another 2D model using the ridge line of this curve as a clue is to be defined.

図  底部に見られる逆懸垂曲線


 This ridge line is considered to be the reference thread, and the effect of the tension in the bottom mesh-like sheet that develops behind and in front of the ridge is replaced by an evenly distributed spring in the figure. This is not necessarily an exact model, but it is often the case that the existence of the shape and the distribution and transmission of the forces are equivalent, especially in natural shapes such as this one.

Only the ridge is left as a thread, and the rest replaces the small springs and the weights as a tension acting on the thread of the ridge.

図 2Dモデル化された箱状蜘蛛の巣底部の稜線
        The ridge of the bottom of a boxy spider web modelled in 2D


  The "initial state" is defined as the state before the traction from the lower branch (initial state), and the simulation is carried out from the time at which the traction force is applied until the vibration of the whole structure subsides (after the vibration has subsided), in which the traction force is replaced with the two weights.

  As a result, a curve similar to the actual ridge line is obtained. If we consider that the form of the traction provided by the upper row of springs in the 2D model is subjected to a restoring force from this row, which also tries to return to the initial state, and that this force acts in the same way as the gravitational force governing the general suspension curve, it seems that the upward convex curve is definitely of the same quality as the suspension curve.

フジヤマの形 Shape of Fujiyama




 One of the characteristics of the shape of Mt. Fuji is its slope. In Ukiyo-e, which uses this mountain as a subject, this slope is more emphasized, and it's more like Fuji than the real Fuji. It raises important questions as to where the attractiveness of the shape comes from and whether there is a mechanical meaning, from the viewpoint of styling.

 Here, we will examine the origin of the shape by extracting the characteristics of that shape from a chance photograph of Mt. Fuji and modeling it as FUJIYAMA.

 To analyze the actual form directly would entail handling a myriad of variables, so we have replaced Fuji with a truncated cone shape composed of many small discs stacked in layers to simplify the shape and have given this truncated version the name FUJIYAMA.

1. 富士山のトレースと層分割 Tracing and Stratification of Mt. Fuji

 富士山が成層火山であることも踏まえて,形の基本構成を「積層」と捉え,単純化することを試みた。イラストレータを利用して,稜線のトレースと複数の層を分割した。Mt. Fuji is a stratovolcano, so I attempted to simplify the basic composition of the shape by "layering". Using Adobe Illustrator, I traced the ridges and divided the mountain into layers.

図1 稜線のトレースと層分割 Ridge tracing and layer segmentation

 図1の層分割に従って,この富士山を図2のような円状の断面を持つ微小円錐台の積層によるフジヤマとしてモデル化した。山頂中央を原点として,鉛直方向下向きを正とする座標xを定義する。図中のAはx=x点での円錐台の断面積を示している。微小円錐台は高さΔxを持ち,図中に示してあるように,微小円錐台の上面の断面積がAであることに対して下面の断面積をA+ΔAと定義していることを示している。To produce the layer division as shown in Fig. 1, Mt. Fuji was modeled as a laminated Fujiyama of micro cones with a circular cross section as shown in Fig. 2. The center of the summit is the origin, and the coordinate x is defined as positive downward in the vertical direction. A in the figure shows the cross-sectional area of the cone at the x=x point. The micro cone has a height Δx, and the figure shows that the cross-sectional area of the upper surface of the micro cone is A, while the cross-sectional area of the lower surface is defined as A+ΔA.

図2 微小円錐台への分解とフジヤマの定義  Fujiyama composition by stacking micro cones
The cross section found when the shape of Mt. Fuji is viewed as a cone and the cone is broken down into smaller cones as shown in the figure.

 フジヤマも重力下にあるので,この微小円錐台は,上面と下面からの圧力つまり圧縮応力とこの微小円錐台自身の重さ,自重を受けることになり,この3つの力のつり合いよって,この形が安定して成立することになる。Since Fujiyama is also under gravity, the micro-cone is subjected to pressure from the upper and lower surfaces, i.e., compressive stress, as well as the weight of the micro-cone itself, i.e. its own weight, and the balance of these three forces ensures that this shape is stable.

2. フジヤマの層間に掛かる圧縮応力 Compressive Stress between the layers of Fujiyama


Insofar as such structures as skyscrapers, chimneys or towers can be pictured as structures consisting of many thin layers in which each layer has a mass, everyone intuitively understands that, the lower the layer of such a structure, the more “force” is applied to it and the more structurally painful it is.

Where does this "pain" come from? In Fujiyama and other vertical structures, the main internal force is caused by the weight of the structure due to gravity, unless there is a big earthquake or a big typhoon.

In a simplified way, the internal forces are distributed with the vertical direction as the main axis, and compressive forces are applied to the cross-section of each layer orthogonal to that axis. The compressive force increases with the cross-section of the lower layer.


Now, what is the situation when a structure is destroyed? The structure is made up of materials, which in turn are made up of molecular structures. Before the structure breaks down, there are local failures in the materials that make up the structure, leading to a collapse of the whole.


One engineering definition which is closely linked to this local collapse is stress (degree). There are experimental definitions of stress, as well as mathematical definitions which take into account more realistic local behaviour, but here I would like to introduce the simplest idea.


It is so simple that it may seem to possess insufficient precision, but it is the simplest way of looking at all complex phenomena.

     応力[ N/m2] = 内力 [N] / 断面積 [m2]

Stress [N/m2] = Internal force [N] / Cross-sectional area [m2].

と定義するだけである。応力の単位[ N/m2] は[Pa]とも記され,パスカルと読む。聞き覚えがある音であろう。圧力を表現するような音である。圧力と応力の単位は同じなので,やや混乱するかもしれないが,この単純化された形では,鉛直方向に圧縮力を与える単位面積あたりの圧力だと思っていても力学的な感覚としてはそれほど大きな問題は起きないように思われる。

This stress is simply defined as the unit of stress [N/m2] which is also written as [Pa]. When it is expressed in terms of Pascals it may sound more familiar and sound like a representation of pressure.

 The units of pressure and stress are the same, which may be somewhat confusing to our understanding, but in this simplified form of Fujiyama it might not cause too much trouble in the mechanical sense to think of it as the pressure per unit area of vertical compressive force.

図3 フジヤマの層間に掛かる圧縮応力  

Compressive stresses between the layers in Fujiyama

In general, stresses in the direction of the main axis of a structure are denoted by σ (sigma). In case you are interested in this kind of engineering region, there is another stress defined at 45 degrees diagonally to the principal axis called shear stress, which is denoted by τ (tau). σ and τ actually come from the same source, so how you look at the internal stresses will affect how each stress appears or governs the engineering state. Here, I think it is sufficient to look only at the compressive stress σ, which is distributed vertically.

It would not be too far wrong to understand that the structure of Fujiyama is probably composed of the same material and the same local structure repeated in every part of the whole structure or form in the vertical direction. That is to say, we may assume that the same mechanical properties are present in every part of the layers and the interfaces.


Let us suppose that the shape of Fujiyama is the limit of what it can bear under its own weight. The best measure of the limit of endurance is the aforementioned compressive stress σ.


This is the reason why the collapse of a structure begins, in this case, with the local failure of the materials of which it is composed. The stress at this limit beyond which a collapse will begin can be defined as the "strength" of a structure. In general, "strength" tends to be used in a broad sense, but here we define strength as the stress at the limit of the internal force that can be accepted per unit area. Therefore, σ in Fig. 3 can be imagined as the compressive stress at the limit of strength occurring in all the layers.


Intuitively, or even empirically, it seems most convenient that the tasks allocated to the parts of the whole should be equal. It is only necessary that all the parts, the materials, should receive equal force of σ.


In Fujiyama, we need to be aware of stresses in only the vertical direction, and these stresses can be imagined as a situation where compressive stresses of the same magnitude, indicated by the short blue arrows, are evenly distributed between all the layers, from around the summit to the foot, as shown in the figure.


In Fig. 3, the stresses are represented only for the eighth layer from the summit, but it should be understood that similar the stress distribution exists between all the layers. However, if we take out one layer, we can see it like this, but if we put it back in the structure, the stresses between the layers are exactly action-reaction relationship, and it is difficult to see that they seem to cancel each other and disappear. But even so, they are still there, latent, waiting for the chance to collapse it.

3. 層における力のつり合いとフジヤマの形 The balance of forces in the layers and the shape of Fujiyama

 フジヤマを構成する層の形は,高さが微小な円錐台である。ここでは微積的な考え方で微小としている。したがって,一層に相当する微小円錐台の体積は,層ごとに,その上面の面積×鉛直方向下向きの座標つまりxの微小部分つまりΔxに,円錐台の上面の断面積Aを掛けることで算出している。円錐台の体積はそれでは間違っている!との思いもあるかとは思うが,ここでは“微小”ということで,微積の慣例に従い,その差は無視できるものとさせていただく。したがって,層ごとに微小円錐台の体積 × ρ(密度)× g(重力加速度)が自重(物体力)として,フジヤマの山頂からふもとに向けて加算されていくことになる。

   The shape of the layers that make up Fujiyama is a truncated micro cone. I use the term micro here in the calculus sense. Therefore, the volume of the micro cone corresponding to a single layer is calculated for each layer by multiplying a small part of its downward vertical coordinate x, i.e. Δx, by the cross-sectional area of the upper surface of the cone, A. That's not the right volume for the small truncated cone but in this case the difference from the right volume of the cone generally seems to be negligible, following the conventions of calculus, because it is "tiny". Therefore, for each layer, ‘the volume of the micro cone’ בρ (density)’בg (gravitational acceleration)’ is serially added from the top to the bottom of Fujiyama as a part of the whole weight (body force).


図4 微小円錐台の力のつり合い






握りばさみの形:Shape of a traditional scissors The English version is under construction.

