The Yokomachi yama, which has been considered to be strong in the clashing event, is taken as an example, focusing on the dimensions that are representative of its structure, especially those that directly affect the characteristics required in the operation of the yama.
Referring to the names in the diagram below, the main structure consists of the tate-dodai, (longitudinal base frame) which corresponds to the chassis of a car, and the yoko-dodai, (transverse base frame) which connects it to the left and right. This lower-level structure, through the tsuka (vertical timbers), sujikai (braces) and hashira (posts), is connected to the middle level structure that is a rectangular frame structure consisting of the mae-tage (front frame), the yoko-tage (side frame) and ushiro-tage (rear frame) on the left and right, which form the horizontal centre of the float. The frame structure in the middle-level of the float is used as the stage on which the decorative mountain (yama), small room in front of the decorated 'mountain' (mizuya ) in which the musicians play musical accompaniments and the stage for the dancers are placed. What is characteristic of the structure of Kakunodate's Oyamabayashi floats is that they seem to have been designed to withstand the force of impact during the climax of the festival (buttuke) and to protect the musicians, dancers, and the float themselves.
The floats meet each other as they move through the streets of local neighbourhoods (cho-nai ). When this happens, if "negotiations" over the right of way break down, the floats that meet each other as they move through the town perform this clash of the floats (butsuke ), in which the front frames (mae-tage ) violently collide with each other and push into each other.
According to records, there were cases where a single float was attacked by two floats, one from the front and one from the rear. The impact force applied to the front frame (mae-tage) and rear frame (ushiro-tage ) during this clash is transmitted to the base frame (tate-dodai) via the braces (sujikai) and, along with the entire frame structure, applies a large force to the front and rear axles (shinbou).
This way of transmitting the impact force damages the axles, making it impossible to operate the floats, and according to the rules of the festival, the floats lose out, which was humiliating for the neighbourhood and the 'young people' (an organization of young people) who owned the floats.
In addition, all floats are required to go to a temple called Yakushi-do, a shrine called Shinmei-sha and the Satake family seat (home of a former clan branch) as the greeting checkpoints to perform a series of rituals. As they pass through areas other than the local neighbourhood (cho-nai ) to which each float belongs, the floats should obtain permission from the coordinator (hariban) of the respective cho-nai, in the Oyamabayashi festival area (Fig.1,2).

Furthermore, as each float is only allowed to pass through the same cho-nai once, mobility is required to avoid clashes (butsuke) with other floats in order to clear the checkpoints while reading the movements of the other floats. It is easy to predict that this mobility and maneuverability could be influenced by the distance between the front and rear wheel axles (shinbou). If the distance between the axles is short, the turning capability may be improved at the expense of straightness, and it seems possible to move flexibly at the 'last minute' in the festival.
On the other hand, reducing the distance between the axles (shinbou) can also lead to an unstable situation, where the festival wagon can relatively easily tilt in the pitching direction when forces are applied to the front frame (mae-tage), so that forces are transmitted intensively to the rear wheels. It is easily understood that further instability also tends to be induced by the horizontal distance between the front frame and the front wheel axle. If the distance is long, the vehicle may be more stable and the wheels will be less likely to lift off the ground, but turnability will be reduced and maneuverability may become a problem.
It is also important to reduce the impact on the musicians (ohayashi ), who continue to perform during the clashes (butsuke). According to one of the rules of the festival, if the float can no longer facilitate the playing of the musical accompaniment, it is deemed to have lost the battle. Since the musicians perform in the mizuya in front of the area where the yama is located on the wagon, it is necessary to ensure that the impact force is transmitted to the mizuya as little as possible during clashes.
Several structural strategies can be considered for mitigating the transmission of these impact forces. One of these is local impact force absorption in the front structure from the front frame (mae-tage) to the front wheel axle (shinbou) area. Another is a method of dispersing the impact forces throughout the entire chassis, consisting of the front frame, both side frames (yoko-tage ), the rear frame (ushiro-tage), the left and right longitudinal base frames (tate-dodai ) to which the axle is attached and the front and rear transverse base frames (yoko-dodai ) connecting the longitudinal base frames. The entire chasis may be designed from the perspective of structural dynamics and vibration engineering.


When considering the climax of the festival (the Yama-butsuke), one of the important structural elements which strongly affects the outcome when the opposing yama compete with each other is at the front frame (mae-tage). It is therefore easy to understand that the distance between the front frame and the front axle is important as an element of strength in the bumping.
Depending on this distance, the impact and the maneuverability at the time of the collision will differ. When considering the stability against the impact and the effective flow of the impact forces, the vertical distance between the side frames and the axle* is also important. The braces of the understructure of the wagon seem to work effectively under the appropriate distance. Here are some examples of the dimensional measurements of the wagons.
the dimensional measurements of the wagons

この表から寸法項目として,a. 車軸幅,b. 前輪軸芯-マエタゲ,c. 全幅,d. 全長,e. 軸芯ーヨコタゲの6項目で,寸法データが完全に取得されている12機の山車に対して主成分分析を行い,ヤマ構造の分類を試みた。
A principal component analysis was carried out on the 12 wagons whose dimensional data had been accurately recorded. Specifically, the following six dimensional items were analyzed: a. the axle width, b. the distance between the front wheel axle and front frame, c. the total width, d. the total length, e. the distance between the axles and the side frame, and the distance between the wagon’s centre of gravity and side frame* in order to classify the structure of the wagons.
The Honmachi-dori float is considerably longer than the other floats and is also characteristically positioned in the principal component analysis. It is interesting to note that the Yokomachi float, which is considered to be the strongest in the bumping, is positioned opposite the Honmachi-dori one.

The scatter diagram of the floats by principal component analysis

In checking the meaning of the horizontal and vertical axes of this scatter diagram, it can be seen that the floats positioned on the right side are more strongly influenced by the overall width according to the principal component scoring coefficients in Table 1, while the horizontal distance from the front axis to the front frame tends to be longer in the floats positioned on the left side, and the overall length tends to increase as well.
This geometrical tendency is confirmed by the distance from the front wheel axis to the front frame and the overall length divided respectively by the overall width of each float (table 1 below).

この結果より,アスペクト比が大きな本町通りのヤマが顕著に縦長であることがわかる。その他のヤマのアスペクト比には特筆すべき差異は見当たらないが,横町と西部の前部構造つまりマエダケから前輪車軸までの構造が他のヤマと比較して横に広がりを見せる構造となっていることが読み取られる。この傾向と横町が最強とされる理由との摺り合わせはできていないが。興味深い傾向である。The results show that the Honmachi-dori float, which has a large aspect ratio, is markedly longitudinal. Although there are no notable differences in the aspect ratios of the other floats, it can be read that the front structures of the Yokomachi and Seibu floats, i.e. the structure from the front frame to the front axle, seem to be more horizontally spread than the other floats. However, this structural characteristic has yet to be reconciled with the reasons why the Yokomachi float is considered the strongest. It may be one of the interesting tendencies of the float.
同様に,第2主成分の値を確認すると,この縦軸の配置は下図に示す[車軸幅]と[車軸芯からヨコダケ上面までの距離]を掛けた面積の大小に対応していることがわかる。表中の数値は最大面積である駅前のヤマに対する比率で示してある。この面積比が大きいものほど主成分分析の縦軸上部に配置されていることが確認でき,ヤマ構造中心部の特徴の差異を明確に示していることがわかる。ここの面積を小さくすることで,機動性と強度を向上させることの可能性も否定はできない。Similarly, checking the values of the second principal component shows that the arrangement of the floats along the vertical axis in the figure of the scatter diagram seems to correspond to the size of the area multiplied by the distance between the front axis and the rear one [a] and the distance from the axis centre to the top of the side frame [e] shown in the figure below.
The values a×e in the table in the figure below are expressed as a ratio of the maximum area of the float called EKIMAE (meaning ‘in front of the station’). It can be confirmed that the larger this area ratio is, the higher the area is placed on the upper part of the vertical axis of the principal component analysis, clearly indicating the differences in the characteristics of the mountain structure centre. I think that the possibility of improving mobility and strength by reducing the area here cannot be ruled out.
