

The pulling of the floats (oyama) of the Oyamabayashi Festival in Kakunodate, Akita Prefecture, is a very famous traditional Japanese festival in which the floats compete with each other by raising their front wheels and repeatedly bumping into each other. This festival has a highly competitive character, in which the "power, strength and pride" of each oyama, the people operating it and the people playing the musical accompaniment on board are pitted against each other while they continue to bump into each other.

In order to win this game, the continuous squeezing of wisdom and ingenuity seems to have been accumulated within the very form of the oyama. It is essential that the structure is sturdy as the oyama moves around the town and is repeatedly bumped into. Only then can the best oyama win following the rules of the game, under the watchful eyes of the chonai (local area associations) and youth groups. Some ethnographic researches have also revealed that the forms of the oyama have been continuously improved up to now, mainly by the carpenters who lived in each local area.

Here, I would like to shed light on the ingenuity and ideas found in the shape and structure of the oyama, which have been accumulated over time with pride to win this historical game.

1. 秋田県角館町「飾山囃子(おやまばやし)」The Oyamabayashi Festival in Kakunodate, Akita Prefecture

日本民俗学会の機関誌 『日本民俗学』 77において,中村孚美氏が発表した「町と祭りー秋田県角館町の飾山囃子の場合」によると,この祭礼を構成する要素は(1)丁内(町を分ける区画)同志の対抗 , (2) しきたりを踏まえた山車の曳き回し, (3) (若者たちが)参画する祭り,(4) 頑丈な山車の構造,の4つに集約されるとされている。そして,この祭りを計画し,運営,実行する“若者”を引き付けてやまないものは,この祭りシステムのゲーム性と肉体的な“ぶつかり合い”であるとしている。3日間にわたる祭礼の最終日のクライマックスではこの山車(曳山)の参画者のプライドを掛けた本物のぶつかり合いにより相手の山車を壊すところまで勝敗を付けようとする。
According to "Towns and Festivals: The Case of Oyamabayashi-bayashi in Kakunodate-machi, Akita Prefecture", published by Nakamura Fumi in the journal of the Folklore Society of Japan, 77, the elements that make up this festival can be summarised as (1) rivalry between townships, (2) pulling of the floats based on tradition, (3) participation of young people, and (4) robustness of the float structures.
The game aspect of the festival system and the physical 'clashes' are what attract the 'young people' who plan, organise and carry out the festival. The climax of the final day can be seen as a realistic clash between the floats, in which the participants seem to be eager to win even if it means destroying their opponents' floats.


The floats are inevitably required to be maneuverable and tough due to the clashing against each other that takes place. Furthermore, as ethnographic research has revealed, there were carpenters in each tyounai (a local area smaller than a normal township) where the floats were preserved, developed, and pushed to the festival site every year. To the people of each local area, the festival became something akin to an all-out war. The wisdom, ideas and thoughts of the local community, accumulated through repeated festivals in which the power and pride of each local area was put to the test under a unique set of rules, seem to have come together in the very form of the Oyamabayashi floats.


Here, an analysis of the form of the floats reveals the wisdom and ideas that have been integrated into the structure to "win" against others. It also introduces their value. 

平成23年横町若者曳山 Yokomachi Wakamono float


The yama of the Oyamabayashi were originally each moved by as many as 100 bearers. The following diagram from the Japan Folk Art Taikan (illustrated book) gives an idea of how such a float looked in those days.


The large, towering mountain can be seen in the centre, together with decorative dolls and a lively-looking musical accompaniment. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), wheels were installed under the base to replace the bearers, as shown in the decorative mountain illustration below, and it can be seen that this is the prototype that has been handed down to the present day. The clashing of the floats, a major event in the festival, seems to have occurred spontaneously since the Edo period and has been gradually transformed up to the present day. The festival has a strong element of venting among young people, and it seems that not only injuries but also deaths have occurred. The festival seems to be so serious that people put their lives and pride on the line.

The old-style Yama of the Oyamabayashi, from the Japan Folk Art Taikan

                                 An old-style Oyamabayashi and the float with wheels



握りばさみの形:Shape of a traditional scissors The English version is under construction.
